Accident at the Apatzingán Expo Fair Leaves Injured

An accident at the Apatzingán Expo Fair left at least 9 minors injured when a mechanical ride malfunctioned. The affected were taken to local hospitals. Authorities are calling for increased surveillance at events.

Accident at the Apatzingán Expo Fair Leaves Injured

Last night, at the Expo fair in Apatzingán, Michoacán, an accident on a mechanical ride left at least 9 minors injured. In response to this incident, paramedics from Civil Protection, Municipal Police, Civil Guard, and State Civil Protection were dispatched to the scene.

The mechanical ride involved was the "Night Flight," known as flying chairs, where one of the suspension cables loosened, causing a basket to collide with other nearby ones. Attendees of the event experienced difficult moments, with some media reporting that nine people were injured, some with contusions and others showing signs of nervous crisis.

The accident was preceded by the explosion of an electricity transformer, which apparently caused failures in several mechanical rides. Alerts were activated for the rescue corporations around 9:00 PM. Initial reports mentioned that those affected showed contusions and signs of nervous crisis.

So far, some of the injured have been identified as "Kenia Esmeralda Hinojosa González, 10 years old; Renata, 14; Romina Briseida, 9, and Renata Guadalupe, also 10 years old," who were taken to the Regional Hospital. Later, another five minors were admitted to the "Del Valle" clinic, whose identities are still unknown.

Mechanical rides are popular attractions at fairs that often change location depending on the area's festivities. Some residents have asked authorities for greater oversight and for Civil Protection to ensure the safety of attendees at these events.

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