Foro 2025 Promotes Citizen Participation in Chapala

Deputy Alejandro Barragán led the Foro 2025 in Chapala, focused on strengthening citizen participation and combating corruption in Jalisco.

Foro 2025 Promotes Citizen Participation in Chapala

Deputy Alejandro Barragán Sánchez, President of the Commission on Citizen Participation, Transparency, and Ethics in Public Service of the Congress of the State of Jalisco, led Forum 2025: 'Mechanisms of Citizen Participation and Ethics in Public Service' at the 'Antigua Presidencia' Cultural Center in the municipality of Chapala.

In his opening speech, the legislator highlighted the importance of fostering active citizen participation beyond electoral periods to strengthen democracy and combat corruption. Barragán stated that this forum is part of a series of events that will be held in different regions of the state with the aim of bringing Congress closer to the population and listening to their concerns.

During Forum 2025, concerning figures regarding the perception of corruption in Jalisco were presented, based on the 2023 National Government Impact Survey (ENCIG), indicating that 8 out of 10 people from Jalisco consider acts of corruption in the entity to be frequent and that less than half trust municipal governments.

At the end of his participation, Barragán committed to promoting local reforms in accordance with federal modifications regarding transparency and combating corruption. The deputy emphasized that this is just the beginning of a joint effort to strengthen democracy and restore trust in institutions.

The event was also attended by Alejandro de Jesús Aguirre Curiel, mayor of Chapala, and Carlos Chávez and Carlos Aguirre from the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of Jalisco, as well as Mónica Ruiz and Arturo Ríos Bojórquez from the Social Participation Committee of the State Anti-Corruption System.

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