14 Indian Nationals Detained in Culiacán

The subsecretary of Public Security in Sinaloa reported that 14 Indian nationals are in custody awaiting assistance from immigration authorities in Culiacán. They are being provided with health care and human rights protections during the process.

14 Indian Nationals Detained in Culiacán

The Undersecretary of Public Security of Sinaloa, Leoncio Pedro García Alatorre, informed that 14 individuals from India are being held at the state delegation of the Attorney General's Office in Culiacán, awaiting assistance from immigration staff to resolve their legal situation. The state official stated that a translator is being sought to communicate with these individuals, in order to ensure that their human rights are respected throughout the process.

The detention occurred while they were traveling in a red Suburban truck on the Culiacán-Mazatlán highway, about 40 kilometers south of the city, near the Costa Rica toll booth. Members of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) who were maintaining a surveillance point noticed that the vehicle was moving suspiciously, with many people on board. Given the situation, they proceeded to request the detention of the vehicle and discovered the individuals from India, who were unable to verify their legal status.

García Alatorre noted that contact with the Immigration office was established and confirmed that the detained individuals are in good health and receiving proper care. Although most of those detained are adults, there are also minors, though the exact number of the latter was not specified. Due to communication difficulties, the purpose of their trip has not been determined, nor has it been confirmed that they are traveling to the United States.