Citizen Participation in León Reaches New Heights

In a historical turnout, 61,669 votes were cast in León for community transformation projects for 2025, showcasing trust in citizen decision-making. Over 230 million pesos will fund selected projects, highlighting significant growth in participation.

Citizen Participation in León Reaches New Heights

The citizens of León actively participated in the election of the projects that will transform their communities in 2025, with a record amount of 61,669 votes cast. This high level of participation not only consolidates León as a national example of citizen participation, but also demonstrates the trust of the residents in deciding the future of their city.

Among the votes cast, 33,308 were registered through WhatsApp, establishing it as the preferred platform for citizens. Another 19,363 votes were made on the website, while 8,989 were cast in person at the 71 polling stations distributed across the seven delegations of the city. Additionally, children had the opportunity to participate in 14 children's participation centers, thus experiencing voting and contributing to decision-making.

The municipality will allocate 230 million pesos to the projects selected through the Participatory Budget 2025, marking a significant increase compared to the 200 million allocated in 2024. Among the winning projects are the creation of a public garden in the León Moderno area and the rehabilitation of squares, neighborhood parks, and public spaces in the Bosques Reales area.

The citizen participation exercise experienced a 68% increase compared to the previous year, with a total of 36,794 votes counted. Some of the selected projects include the rehabilitation stage of the mini sports area Tierra Blanca, the remodeling of the green area at the corner of Galeras Street and Quezaltepec Street, the paving and maintenance of streets in priority neighborhoods, the expansion of sports and recreational spaces to promote community interaction, improvements in educational infrastructure such as the construction of classrooms and roofs, the rehabilitation of green areas to promote quality public spaces, as well as the implementation of LED lighting in areas with lighting deficiencies.