The city of León celebrated its 449th anniversary of foundation with great creativity and culture. During the parade, allegorical floats representing emblematic events that have defined León as a cultural and tourist center stood out. The five most representative historic neighborhoods of the city also had a special space, reflecting the evolution of León from its colonial days to its current industrial boom.
One of the most acclaimed points of the parade was the representation of the León Zoo and the network of local parks, where mascots and colored fireworks delighted spectators of all ages. Additionally, there was a fashion show featuring leather clothing and accessories, reaffirming León's status as the world capital of the footwear and leather fashion industry.
The parade also served as a tribute to internationally renowned local athletes, who proudly carried the Guanajuato flag, symbolizing the values of perseverance and effort of the citizens of León. The event included participation from the Fire Department and members of SIAP, who received recognition for their dedication to the safety and cleanliness of the city.
The mayor of León and the governor of Guanajuato, along with other municipal authorities, were present to strengthen community ties and celebrate the pride of belonging to León, a city with 449 years of history that has transitioned from its colonial origins to being a reference industrial and cultural center.