Complaints about Public Transport in León

Citizens of León report a 764% increase in complaints about public transport over the last four years, highlighting constant failures and poor service. Despite the increase in fares, users do not see improvements in service quality, generating widespread discontent.

Complaints about Public Transport in León

In León, users have expressed their dissatisfaction with the deterioration of public transport in the city. Despite attempts to improve the service, failures and deficiencies are becoming increasingly evident. Reports indicate that complaints have increased significantly in the last four years, with a 764% rise, exceeding one thousand registered complaints in 2024.

Among the issues reported daily are units in poor condition, delays on routes, long lines at stations, accidents and risks for passengers, as well as mistreatment by operators. Users have reported buses without doors, without windows, with mechanical failures and in poor overall condition, situations that jeopardize the safety of those using public transportation.

One of the proposals to address this situation has been to urge authorities to use public transportation regularly, in order to experience firsthand the conditions in which users travel. Meanwhile, the General Directorate of Mobility in León has made communication channels available to receive complaints and suggestions, assuring that they are working on improving the service.

Despite attempts by authorities to resolve the deficiencies in the transportation system, citizens continue to document problems and report that increases in fares do not translate into an improved experience for users. Groups such as Urbe León and the Student Network have decided to closely monitor failures in public transport, daily reporting issues with the units and route schedules.

As of December 31, 2024, the fare in León increased to 14 pesos in cash and 13 pesos with the Pagobús card, while the preferential fare for students and seniors rose to 6.50 pesos. In light of the widespread discontent, citizens are demanding answers and have requested the municipal president, Alejandra Gutiérrez, to personally oversee the service to ensure substantial improvements.