Legal Troubles for Heirs of Former Mayor of Mérida

Herb Rodríguez Abraham's grandsons face legal charges for fraud and document forgery related to the illegal appropriation of properties in Yucatán. They will pay a hefty fine and report bi-weekly to the court as part of their bail conditions.

Legal Troubles for Heirs of Former Mayor of Mérida

The brothers Herbés Jesús and Gibran Herbés Rodríguez Coello, grandsons of the former mayor of Mérida, Herbés Rodríguez Abraham, were charged with generic fraud and document forgery. In addition, they will have to pay a fine of up to 500,000 pesos and report to sign every 15 days before the court.

The complaint was filed by the sons of the former mayor, Herbés Rodríguez Sahuí and Zary Rodríguez de Castillo, respectively. According to the Attorney General's Office of the State of Yucatán, the defendants unlawfully appropriated 58 properties located in Mérida, Motul, Umán, Telchac Puerto, and Progreso.

It has been determined that the brothers presented false documents and apocryphal signatures at notaries to appropriate the properties, claiming that these had been donated to them during their grandfather's lifetime.

Herbés Rodríguez Abraham, who was part of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, was a federal deputy and municipal president of Mérida from 1985 to 1987. He sought a second term in 1990 but was defeated by Ana María Payán of the PAN. He passed away on December 11, 2022, due to chronic renal failure.

The illegal actions were carried out at notaries 126 and 25 of Mérida, despite him not having the physical capacity to carry out the procedures due to his health condition. The complaint was filed with the Public Registry of Property and Commerce of Yucatán.

In addition to the charged brothers, Carolina Cervantes Torre and Alejandro Monsreal Rodríguez were accused of complicity for facilitating the actions with false documents. Judge Jazmín Ojeda Alayón of the Second Control Court of the First Judicial District issued the charge.

Herbés Jesús and Gibran Herbés Rodríguez Coello will be on conditional release during the process and will wear an electronic bracelet to prevent a possible flight. The property donation proceedings took place between February 2015 and December 2022.