Arrests in Cruz Azul Fraud Case

Víctor Manuel Garcés, ex-Cruz Azul vice president, faces preventive detention along with accomplices of fugitive Billy Álvarez, who is accused of organized crime and money laundering.

Arrests in Cruz Azul Fraud Case

Billy Álvarez, an executive of the Cruz Azul cooperative and a fugitive from justice for over 4 years, was arrested due to an investigation for money laundering and organized crime. In the context of this case, Víc tor Luna Reséndiz and Guillermo Morales Montoya were recently detained, expelled from Cruz Azul in 2022 for alleged connections with Álvarez. Both were transferred to the Reclusorio Sur in Mexico City to clarify their involvement in the crimes charged against them.

Víctor and Guillermo, alleged accomplices of Billy Álvarez, face accusations of fraud against the Cruz Azul cooperative, diversion of funds, illegal sale of cement, and dispossession of a cement plant in Hidalgo. Meanwhile, a new arrest warrant was issued against Billy Álvarez for purchasing false tax documents worth nearly 92 million pesos. The legal process against him is ongoing.

Billy Álvarez is accused of organized crime for the purpose of committing crimes related to illicit financial operations. For over three decades in the Cruz Azul cooperative, he has been pointed out for mismanagement and money laundering, transferring funds to personal accounts abroad. Guillermo Héctor Álvarez Cuevas, linked to the process and in preventive detention in the Altiplano prison, is one of those involved in this scheme.

Currently, Víctor and Guillermo remain detained while the corresponding investigations are carried out to determine their legal situation. These arrests are part of federal capture orders issued against collaborators of Billy Álvarez.