Regulations Impacting Tourism in Mexico City Ahead of 2026 World Cup

The new tourism law in Mexico City may significantly impact infrastructure and lodging availability for travelers during the 2026 World Cup, potentially halving short-term rental options.

Regulations Impacting Tourism in Mexico City Ahead of 2026 World Cup

The modification to the Tourism Law in Mexico City will impact travelers coming to the capital during the 2026 World Cup, as the city lacks the necessary hotel infrastructure, warned Jorge Balderrama, director of public affairs at Airbnb. According to him, hotel capacity could be reduced by half if the new regulations come into force.

In an interview with the financial newspaper, Balderrama pointed out that Mexico City is not prepared to host the potential 5 million visitors expected during the sporting event. Additionally, the implementation of changes in local tourism legislation would imply a drastic reduction in the offer of temporary accommodations.

The Airbnb director stated that temporary lodging is crucial for large-scale events like a football World Cup, and its absence would hinder attention to travelers. Balderrama compared the situation to that experienced in Paris during last year's Olympic Games, mentioning inadequate infrastructure, rising prices, and difficulties accessing venues.

Although the modification to the Tourism Law was approved in October 2024, it has not yet come into force. Airbnb has filed an amparo against these regulations, which would limit temporary rental activity in the city. Balderrama stated that so far there has been no judicial resolution on this matter nor any approach with the government for negotiation.

The capital government initially linked the rise in housing costs to the growth of accommodation platforms like Airbnb but is now recognizing the economic contribution of these companies, advocating for an appropriate regulation for the current reality. In this context, Carlos Martínez, director of the Mixed Fund for Tourism Promotion of Mexico City, mentioned that Airbnb has the right to file for amparo, but it is necessary to ensure the efficient use of urban services in the face of an increase in tourist arrivals.