Educational Innovation in Mexico City

In a recent discussion, the importance of fostering creativity and critical thinking in young people for their comprehensive development was highlighted. Tools such as artificial intelligence and Design Thinking will be implemented in education.

Educational Innovation in Mexico City

In a discussion about creativity and innovation in the educational field, Abismael Reséndiz and Joaquín Peón Íñiguez emphasized the importance of fostering creative and critical thinking in young people as a fundamental pillar for their integral development.

Reséndiz reaffirmed Tecmilenio's commitment to educational innovation, expressing that education must prepare young people to lead the necessary changes in the world. Peón Íñiguez added that it is essential to maintain a balance between technology and human skills in education, as human skills such as creativity and critical thinking will be highly valued in the future job market.

The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, human skills will be essential in the labor market. In this regard, Peón Íñiguez underscored the importance of human skills to use technology for personal benefit and to discern between individual progress and collective well-being.

Regarding anticipation of generational changes, it was mentioned that new educational tools such as artificial intelligence and Design Thinking will be implemented in Mexico City to create learning models that adjust to the needs of students and their environment, promoting the integral development of young people in the capital.

During the event, Marco Lampugnani highlighted that it is necessary for students in Mexico City to move away from their focus on screens and develop social skills, teamwork, and conscious leadership. Additionally, the importance of designing educational spaces that combine advanced technology with collaborative experiences to connect with Generation Alpha, young people who have grown up immersed in technology, was mentioned.