Events Health Local November 14, 2024

Heroic Act of Honesty by Mexico City Police

On November 11, 2024, Carolina Ruiz Guerrero, a police officer in Mexico City's Metro, returned a lost wallet to a user. The user praised the officer for her integrity. In response to the incident, Metro officials highlighted existing train delays, advising commuters to remain patient.

Heroic Act of Honesty by Mexico City Police

On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, the Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (STC) Metro of Mexico City (CDMX) publicly recognized the work of Carolina Ruiz Guerrero, a member of the Auxiliary Police of the Mexico City Security Secretariat (SSC), for returning a lost wallet to a user at one of the Metro stations.

While performing her surveillance duties at the Metro stations, Carolina Ruiz Guerrero noticed that a user had dropped her wallet while boarding the train and made an effort to return it to her intact, including cash, cards, and identification. The affected user expressed her appreciation for the honesty and values demonstrated by the police in recovering her belongings.

The user transmitted her gratitude via an email directed to the User Care Management, highlighting the act of honesty by Officer Carolina Ruiz Guerrero, who returned the lost wallet. The gesture was praised by the affected user as an example of integrity.

In other news, during the same day, November 12, 2024, users within the Metro stations reported significant delays in the progress of the trains on Line 3, which connects Indios Verdes to Universidad. Although Metro authorities assured that there were no breakdowns causing these delays, passengers were asked to cooperate by allowing the train doors to close to facilitate the operation of the service.