Police Rescue Dog in Labor in Mexico City

Police from Mexico City's Security Secretariat assisted a dog in labor at Indios Verdes Transfer Center. With care and necessary maneuvers, they helped her give birth to two puppies, ensuring their safety while citizens expressed gratitude for the intervention.

Police Rescue Dog in Labor in Mexico City

Members of the Banking and Industrial Police (PBI) of the City of Mexico's Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC) helped a female dog that was in labor at the Indios Verdes Transfer Modal Center (CETRAM). This occurred while the officers were performing security and surveillance tasks on Insurgentes Norte Avenue and Ticomán Boulevard, in the Santa Isabel Tola neighborhood.

Several people informed the police that a dog was having difficulties giving birth. The agents quickly approached and assisted the dog in the birth of two puppies, using the necessary care and maneuvers to ensure the well-being of the mother and her offspring. The puppies were born alive and were placed in a safe location.

Witnesses at the scene thanked the officers for their timely intervention and offered to take care of the mother dog and her puppies, as they live nearby. The SSC reaffirmed its commitment to assist and support pets in situations of risk, mistreatment, or loss. The work of the officers was recognized for providing valuable help in this emergency situation.

People who witnessed the scene praised the speed and effectiveness with which the police acted to ensure that the dog and her puppies received the necessary assistance. This story demonstrates the local authorities' commitment to animal welfare and the importance of providing assistance in emergency situations not only to citizens but also to their pets.