In Mexico City, shelters are preparing for the possible mass arrival of nationals and migrants from the United States. One of the most important shelters, 'Casa Tochan', located in the Álvaro Obregón borough, is ready to receive applications for refuge and refugees returning to the capital of the country. Although the space already has 50 beds and provides accommodation for 75 people, this capacity is expected to increase in the coming weeks to a maximum of 150 inhabitants.
Gabriela Hernández from 'Casa Tochan' expressed that although they are not prepared for a mass arrival of migrants due to a lack of material and economic resources, they are willing to help people so that their human rights are respected. The cancellation of the CBP One program by Donald Trump has left several guests stranded in Mexico City, generating concern in the shelters.
In light of this situation, 'Casa Tochan' and other shelters are preparing to extend their services and accommodate more people in case of mass deportations. Although the situation is challenging, Gabriela Hernández hopes that deportations will not be rapid or mass, while civil society prepares to provide humanitarian assistance as needed.
On the other hand, the Cuauhtémoc borough is also preparing special measures to assist migrants in partnership with the National Migration Institute. Since Alessandra Rojo de la Vega took office, nearly 6,000 migrant people have been assisted in the area. The actions include nighttime brigades with free services such as legal advice, medical triage, and medical tests.
In the first three months of 2024, the Cuauhtémoc borough recorded a 200% increase in events involving people in irregular migration situations compared to the same period the previous year. In the event of deportations of nationals, employment plans will be activated to facilitate their reintegration. The borough emphasizes the importance of collaboration with the INM to ensure proper reception of migrants outside of high-activity areas in the city.