Hoy no Circula Restrictions in Mexico City

The Hoy no Circula program restricts vehicle circulation in Mexico City based on license plate numbers. Drivers with plates ending in 1 and 2 face restrictions on Thursdays, with fines for non-compliance. The program is crucial for reducing pollution in the metropolitan area.

Hoy no Circula Restrictions in Mexico City

The Hoy no Circula program is applied in all boroughs of Mexico City and in some municipalities of the State of Mexico. In the metropolitan area, drivers with vehicles whose license plates end in the numbers 1 and 2, as well as those with green stickers, cannot circulate on Thursdays. However, the restrictions do not apply to drivers whose vehicles have holograms 0 and 00, nor to motorcycles, vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 400 kilograms or less, electric vehicles, among others.

The rules of the Hoy no Circula program will be in effect from 05:00 to 22:00 hours on Thursday, January 30. Those drivers who do not comply with the restrictions may be fined with a penalty ranging from 20, 25 or 30 times the Unidad de Medida y Actualización (UMA), which in pesos translates to 1,171, 2,714 and up to 3,257 respectively. Additionally, the offending vehicle will be towed, which entails a payment of 919 to 1,833 pesos, depending on the towing capacity of the vehicle.

The Hoy no Circula program applies in all boroughs of Mexico City and in some municipalities of the State of Mexico. In the capital, it includes Álvaro Obregón, Azcapotzalco, Benito Juárez, Coyoacán, Cuajimalpa, Cuauhtémoc, Gustavo A. Madero, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Magdalena Contreras, Miguel Hidalgo, Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, Tlalpan, Venustiano Carranza, and Xochimilco. While in the State of Mexico, it only applies in certain municipalities such as Atizapán, Coacalco, Cuautitlán, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Chalco, Chimalhuacán, Chicoloapan, Ecatepec, Huixquilucan, Ixtapaluca, La Paz, Naucalpan, Nezahualcóyotl, Nicolás Romero, Tecámac, Tlalnepantla, Tultitlán, and Valle de Chalco.

In addition to the restrictions for vehicles with specific holograms, there are other rules for different automobiles. For example, cars with circulation hologram 1 cannot circulate on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, only if the license plate ends with the numbers 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8. Those with the same hologram and odd plate ending must stop on the first and third Saturday. Foreign cars with foreign plates face restrictions on Saturdays and from Monday to Friday at specific times. There are also exceptions for agricultural tractors, construction machinery, motorcycles, emergency vehicles, among others.