CDMX Faces Water Crisis: Scheduled Supply Measures 2025

Due to prolonged droughts and scheduled cuts, millions in CDMX will receive water through scheduled supply. Tax benefits and free tanker services are included for affected residents.

CDMX Faces Water Crisis: Scheduled Supply Measures 2025

Millions of inhabitants in Mexico City are affected by the scarcity of drinking water, experiencing scheduled cuts and prolonged droughts in their neighborhoods. In response to this situation, the Ministry of Administration and Finance of CDMX has published in the Official Gazette the list of 284 neighborhoods in 10 boroughs that will receive water through a rationing system during 2025. To alleviate the shortage, some boroughs are providing free water trucks.

In the neighborhoods included in the rationing scheme, tax benefits are offered to affected residents, such as a 95% discount on the payment of fees for connection to the water and drainage network, according to the Fiscal Code of CDMX. A fixed charge for water payment is also established without the need to install a meter, until the service is regularized.

The water crisis in Mexico City continues to be an urgent challenge, so both authorities and citizens must join efforts to ensure efficient use of water and mitigate the impacts of scarcity. As a supporting measure, the city government has announced discounts on service payments for affected residents.

The boroughs with the highest number of neighborhoods under the rationing scheme are Tlalpan, Iztapalapa, Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán, Cuajimalpa, Gustavo A. Madero, Magdalena Contreras, Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, and Xochimilco. Despite the current situation, it has been assured that this measure will not be permanent and that more details about its operation will be communicated soon, although no specific dates or exact supply times have been provided.

Mexico City is facing an unprecedented water crisis due to the reduction of water in the Cutzamala System, overexploitation of aquifers, and lack of infrastructure for efficient distribution.