CDMX Legislature Calls to Eradicate School Harassment

Legislator Patricia Urriza urged educational authorities and the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the harassment case at the Diurna Secondary School Number 236 in Iztapalapa. She emphasizes the need to strengthen prevention protocols.

CDMX Legislature Calls to Eradicate School Harassment

Legislator Patricia Urriza called on educational authorities and the Attorney General's Office of Mexico City to strengthen prevention protocols and thoroughly investigate the case of the minor Fatima, who was injured after falling from the second floor at Diurna Secondary School Number 236 in Iztapalapa.

During her speech in the capital congress, Urriza emphasized the importance of children growing up in safe environments, especially given the increase in violence in some areas of the city. The need to rethink strategies to prevent incidents like the one suffered by Fatima on February 4 was mentioned.

Regarding the case of the minor, Urriza pointed out that there had been previous reports of harassment and that no action had been taken by school or local authorities. In presented data, there were 943 cases of children treated for physical violence in schools in 2023, with 132 cases just in Mexico City.

Urriza's proposal to strengthen prevention and eradication protocols for school bullying in public and private schools, as well as to ensure a clear and swift investigation of the events at secondary school 236 in Iztapalapa, was rejected by the ruling Morena party in Congress. The importance of working together with parents, teachers, and police authorities to break the cycles of violence and prevent security issues at the local level was highlighted.

In this context, Urriza insisted on the need for active collaboration among various sectors to effectively address the issue of violence in school and community environments.