Health Events Local February 22, 2025

Forecasted Variable Weather for Mexico City

Scattered rains and temperatures from 21 to 23 °C are anticipated in Mexico City. Caution is advised due to possible winds and showers.

Forecasted Variable Weather for Mexico City

Temperatures will be mild throughout the day, with partially cloudy skies, but scattered rain is expected in the afternoon, especially in areas of the State of Mexico, where scattered showers could accumulate between 5 and 25 mm over a 24-hour period. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) also warns of the possibility of moderate wind, with gusts that could reach up to 40 km/h from the northwest and north, with speeds between 5 and 15 km/h.

Regarding temperatures, it is estimated that Mexico City will reach a maximum between 21 and 23 °C, while the minimum will range from 11 to 13 °C during the early morning and morning of Saturday.

The SMN issued its weather forecast for the Valley of Mexico, where a cloudy day with intervals of showers and isolated rain is expected for this Saturday, February 22, 2025. Atmospheric instability, combined with moisture from the Pacific Ocean, will cause variable weather conditions in the region, especially in Mexico City and the State of Mexico.

How will the weather evolve on February 22? In the morning, a partially cloudy sky with haze and a cool atmosphere is expected in most of the region. It is important for the population to be alert to possible weather changes and take precautions against rain and wind.

Finally, the SMN recommended that residents of Mexico City and the State of Mexico be prepared for possible sudden rain and strong winds, especially in elevated and rural areas where the probability of showers is higher. These showers will be accompanied by lightning strikes. In Mexico City, the rain will be limited to isolated instances, with totals ranging from 0.1 to 5 mm.