Congresswoman Patricia Urriza presented a resolution to encourage the members of the Congress of Mexico City to join the National Transplants Center (CENATRA) registry or the local Health Secretariat donor registry in order to promote the donation of organs and tissues. In a press conference, the legislator emphasized the importance of this action to save lives and highlighted the collective responsibility involved in voluntary donation.
At the press conference, Patricia Urriza was accompanied by Paulina Rosales Pérez, director of Unidos Asociación Pro Trasplante de Médula Ósea; Sergio Medrano Murillo, director of NMDP Mexico Donor Registry and Stem Cells; as well as Royfid Torres and Luisa Alpízar, coordinator and vice-coordinator of the Caucus respectively. Paulina Rosales highlighted the shortage of donations and the importance of promoting living donation to save lives, especially in cases of bone marrow where compatibility is low.
Sergio Medrano stressed the vital importance of bone marrow or stem cell donation, emphasizing that it is the salvation for children with blood cancer. Mexico City has experienced a decrease in the number of potential donor registrations, which led to the presentation of the resolution by Patricia Urriza. In 2024, CENATRA registered 19,774 people waiting for donors, while there were only 2,823 donors.
The Orange Caucus, represented by Royfid Torres, supported Patricia Urriza's call to action and recognized the importance of raising awareness about these initiatives. The resolution received support from the Morena, Labor Party, and Green Ecologist Party caucuses, which seeks to promote solidarity and awareness about organ and tissue donation to save lives.