Initiative for Free Vision Care in Mexico

Deputy Pedro Haces Lago proposes to reform the Law on the Rights of Girls, Boys, and Adolescents in Mexico City to guarantee free eye exams and glasses for minors, improving their academic performance and quality of life.

Initiative for Free Vision Care in Mexico

The Morena deputy, Pedro Haces Lago, presented an initiative before the Congress of Mexico City to reform the Law on the Rights of Children and Adolescents. The objective is to guarantee free eye exams and prescription glasses for minors in the capital, allowing them all to have access to basic visual care at no cost.

According to Haces Lago, in Mexico, vision problems are one of the main causes of low school performance. Data from INEGI indicates that 58.4% of the population has visual difficulties, with 26.9% of those cases occurring in minors up to 14 years old. The legislator emphasized that these visual complications impact the academic performance and daily life of thousands of students in the city, contributing to school failure and limiting their development opportunities.

In this sense, Haces Lago stressed the importance of making visual health accessible to all minors, regardless of their economic situation. He also highlighted the commitment of the Government of Mexico City to protect the most vulnerable groups, including children and adolescents, by granting them access to their fundamental rights, including adequate visual care.

The presented proposal states that the right to receive free visual care should be part of the law, holding the Ministry of Health of Mexico City responsible for implementing programs for eye exams and providing prescription glasses to those in need, in order to prevent uncorrected visual problems from affecting the learning and development of minors.

If approved, this initiative, according to the legislator, will improve the school performance and quality of life of girls, boys, and adolescents in the city, promoting a more equitable educational environment. 'Providing free glasses is a way to ensure that there are no inequalities in medical care,' concluded Haces Lago.