Members of the Banking and Industrial Police (PBI) of the Secretary of Citizen Security (SSC) of Mexico City arrested two individuals in the Álvaro Obregón borough after receiving a citizen complaint. The individuals were accused of mistreating two dogs, causing injuries to their paws.
The complaint was made during a security patrol in the Golondrinas neighborhood when a citizen alerted the officers at the intersection of Río San Borja Avenue and Juan Sin Miedo Walk. According to the complainant, those involved, riding a blue scooter, were dragging the dogs at high speed, leaving visible injuries on their paws.
The officers managed to locate and detain the alleged culprits, aged 38 and 32, who were informed of their rights and presented to the appropriate authority. Meanwhile, the involved dogs were protected and taken to the Public Prosecutor's Office for Investigation of Environmental Crimes and Urban Protection to assess their health and treat their injuries.
After investigating the detainees, it was discovered that both had criminal records in Mexico City. One of them, aged 38, had been imprisoned for Crimes against Health in 2012, while the 32-year-old had prior arrests for Aggravated Robbery in 2018 and for Crimes against Health in 2019.
In addition to its security functions, the SSC carries out rescue and protection work for wildlife and domestic animals in risky situations in Mexico City. In this regard, it reminds the population of the importance of providing care, respect, and not mistreating animals, as they are living beings that need attention and consideration.