Health Local November 14, 2024

Ahuehuete Tree Thrives in Mexico City

The Ahuehuete tree planted in May 2023 at Glorieta de Reforma is adapting well, showing new growth of up to 40 cm, indicating its healthy condition. It is being carefully maintained by local authorities.

Ahuehuete Tree Thrives in Mexico City

The Ahuehuete of the Glorieta de Reforma, planted in May 2023, has successfully adapted to Mexico City. Currently, the tree shows a good state of health by forming new branches up to 40 centimeters, indicating adequate absorption of nutrients and water during the last rainy season.

According to the Secretary of Environment (Sedema), the Ahuehuete presents sufficient green foliage throughout its structure, with vegetative shoots forming new branches. The root system of the tree is functioning properly, absorbing nutrients and water, and it is free from pests and diseases, reflecting a good physical and health status.

The care and maintenance of the Ahuehuete of the Glorieta de Reforma includes manual weeding, tillage to loosen the soil, and the preventive application of fungicides. Additionally, adjustments are made to the branches, to the ties to secure the tree, and continuous monitoring of its health is conducted.

The tree has a pressurized irrigation system that adjusts to climatic conditions, ensuring an optimal water supply for its needs. Marina Robles, former head of Sedema, highlighted that recent rains have contributed to the good health of the Ahuehuete, emphasizing that there is no risk of deterioration.

Robles mentioned the successful adaptation of the tree to the city and indicated that, in the future, the possibility of performing pruning to beautify it will be considered. The decision to remove the fences protecting the Ahuehuete on Paseo de la Reforma will be left to the corresponding administration, once the tree has matured sufficiently.