The Congress of Mexico City has not managed to advance in the approval of the harmonization of the federal Mobility and Road Safety Law with the local one, despite the fact that the draft is practically ready, according to Royfid Torres. The coordinator of the Orange Caucus considers it essential to renew transportation in the city to address the pollution problem generated by current units. He highlighted the importance of a clean energy policy to combat air pollution, which has been a persistent concern over the years.
In this sense, Royfid Torres expressed his support for the electromobility initiative that the Head of Government, Clara Brugada, will promote. The proposal aims to add more electric units to the zonal corridors, such as Metrobús, Trolebús, Light Train, and Cablebús. The Deputy from Movimiento Ciudadano emphasized the need to use clean energy in public transportation to improve air quality in Mexico City.
On the other hand, Royfid Torres promotes the initiative of "Green Taxes" with the aim of reducing pollutants, disincentivizing greenhouse gas emissions, and decreasing water pollution. This proposal, which is linked to the Electromobility Law, seeks to make companies that pollute the environment take responsibility for the environmental damage they cause.
Additionally, the implementation of the Nochebús is proposed, an initiative from Movimiento Ciudadano legislator, Patricia Urriza, which aims to provide public transportation during the early morning hours in Mexico City to benefit workers who leave their jobs late and people who frequent nightlife entertainment venues. The "Nocturnal City" initiative seeks to establish mobility policies that encompass all sectors of the population, prioritizing safety and access to public transportation throughout the night.