Controversy Erupts Over Influencer's Comments on Mexico

Arielle Simone, known as 'Holistic Mami', faces backlash for her comments about living cheaply in Mexico City while accusing locals of racism. Her GoFundMe request raises concerns about gentrification and cultural insensitivity.

Controversy Erupts Over Influencer's Comments on Mexico

Arielle Simone, also known as ‘Holistic Mami’ on social media, has recently come under criticism for her statements and attitudes that sparked controversy related to Mexico and its inhabitants, particularly those in Mexico City. Simone, an American influencer who moved to Mexico City about a year ago from New York, stirred controversy by mentioning how "cheap" it was for her to live in the country.

Amid her comments, Simone expressed surprise at what she called "racist" attitudes from Mexicans, which triggered even more discontent. Additionally, her request for donations through the ‘GoFundMe’ platform to help finance her moving expenses within Mexico City, asking for around 90,000 pesos, approximately 4,500 dollars, was seen by many as inappropriate.

These statements and requests from Simone were perceived not only as insensitive to the economic context of the country but she was also accused of contributing to gentrification, a growing problem in various cities around the world, including Mexico City. Gentrification involves the displacement of local communities due to rising housing and service costs, a phenomenon fueled by the relocation of individuals with stronger economies, driving up the cost of living in the areas they move to.

Simone has defended her actions by arguing that the criticisms made her feel unsafe, but her opinions on language learning have also surfaced, rejecting the idea of learning Spanish and suggesting that Mexicans learn English to improve their economic opportunities, a stance that has been met with disapproval. In summary, the classist attitudes, requests for money, and subsequent interactions have positioned ‘Holistic Mami’ as a symbol of gentrification in Mexico City, highlighting the importance of addressing these issues with sensitivity and respect toward local culture and economy.