The government of Mexico City implemented the Hoy No Circula program with the aim of preventing, minimizing, and controlling the emission of pollutants from mobile sources, regardless of the origin of the vehicle plates. According to this measure, cars with red stickers whose plates end in numbers 3 or 4 cannot circulate on Wednesdays, with restrictions from 05:00 to 22:00.
In case of noncompliance with these limitations, traffic police are authorized to fine drivers an amount varying from 20, 25 to 30 times the Measurement and Update Unit (UMA), equivalent to amounts ranging from two thousand 262 to three thousand 394 pesos. Additionally, the offending vehicle will be taken to a pound, and the owner must pay an additional amount ranging from 919 to one thousand 833 pesos, depending on the towing capacity of the unit.
However, there are exceptions to these restrictions, such as vehicles with circulation holograms 0 and 00, as well as special cases that have a permit issued by Sedema or a medical emergency. These vehicles are exempt from the limitations of the Hoy No Circula program, which applies in all boroughs of Mexico City and in some municipalities of the State of Mexico.
For other cases, Hoy No Circula determines that vehicles with circulation hologram 1 have restrictions on the second and fourth Saturday of each month, depending on the last digit of their plate. Meanwhile, cars with hologram 2 cannot circulate on Saturdays at the same time. The same applies to foreign vehicles with foreign plates, which have circulation restrictions from Monday to Friday, and the day of the week is determined by the last number of the plate.
Lastly, it is worth mentioning that there are certain cases in which these restrictions do not apply, such as agricultural tractors, motorcycles, units with a gross vehicle weight of 400 kilograms or less, electric vehicles, emergency vehicles, school buses, hearses, private vehicles transporting persons with disabilities, among others authorized by the Secretary of Mobility.