In Mexico City, the Hoy no Circula program imposes restrictions on vehicle circulation to reduce pollution levels in the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico. The program states that cars with hologram 1 cannot circulate on the second and fourth Saturday of each month if the license plate ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. As for vehicles with hologram 2, they cannot circulate any Saturday between 5 AM and 10 PM, regardless of the license plate ending. Additionally, out-of-state cars also have restrictions based on the last number of their license plate, which determines the day they cannot circulate during the week.
Fines for violating Hoy no Circula restrictions range from 2,262 to 3,394 pesos, depending on the violation. These measures do not apply to certain vehicles such as agricultural tractors, motorcycles, electric units, school transport, among others.
In the State of Mexico, Hoy no Circula is in effect in several municipalities, from Atizapán to Valle de Chalco, with similar restrictions to those in Mexico City. In the capital of the country, the program's restrictions apply in all boroughs, where vehicles with license plates ending in 1 or 2 and having a green sticker cannot circulate on Thursdays between 5 AM and 10 PM.
Drivers who do not comply with the Hoy no Circula rules may face consequences ranging from the towing of their vehicle to the impound lot, costing between 919 and 1,833 pesos depending on the weight of the car, to economic sanctions of 20, 25, and even 30 times the Measurement and Updating Unit (UMA) imposed by traffic police.