The plenary of the Congress of Mexico City approved this Tuesday, February 25, with 47 votes in favor, four against, and zero abstentions, the ruling that legally recognizes non-binary individuals. The initiative, presented by the Gender Equality Commission, will be sent to the head of the Government of Mexico City for its promulgation and publication in the Official Gazette.
During the session, the Erratum to the ruling was approved, amending the Law for the Recognition and Attention of LGBTTTI+ Persons in Mexico City. Section XXVI Bis was added to Article 4 for the recognition of non-binary gender individuals, also correcting the reference from "LGBTTTI" to "LGBTTTI+".
Taking the podium, Morena deputy Cecilia Vadillo Obregón emphasized that this ruling reinforces the commitment to an inclusive society. Vadillo indicated that with this approval, barriers to discrimination and bureaucratic obstacles are eliminated, recognizing gender identities that must be respected legally and socially. For his part, Morena deputy Alberto Martínez Urincho stressed the importance of ensuring attention for the full exercise of rights and combating discrimination and other obstacles faced by the non-binary gender community.
Deputy Diana Sánchez Barrios highlighted the work of the capital government to guarantee rights to identity, health, work, and other areas for sexual diversity individuals.
In a similar initiative, deputy Luisa Esmeralda Navarro Hernández, from Morena, presented a proposal in the Congress of the State of Mexico to amend the Civil Code and legally recognize non-binary individuals. This initiative aims to facilitate the recognition of the assumed gender identity in official documents, eliminating legal obstacles in this process and was presented in conjunction with the organization 'Out of Closet A.C.' and the president of the Commission for the Defense of LGBT+ Rights.