Debate on Bullfighting Regulation in Mexico City

Deputy Pedro Haces Lago emphasized the need for responsible discussion around bullfighting legislation, highlighting the importance of preserving the tradition in Mexico City amidst upcoming votes.

Debate on Bullfighting Regulation in Mexico City

The bullfighting deputy of Morena, Pedro Haces Lago, stated that the prohibition of bullfighting with violence by the head of Government, Clara Brugada, through the creation of the legal figure 'violent-free bullfighting spectacle', cannot be considered an exclusive victory of the Green Party. This measure aims to prevent bulls from being tortured and dying in the Plaza México.

In an interview, the deputy focused on the modernization of bullfighting highlighted the consensus achieved from the Government of Mexico City to protect the bullfighting festival. This consensus occurs in the context of the vote on the preferred citizen initiative that seeks to eliminate bullfighting, scheduled for next Tuesday, March 18. In his words, Haces Lago stated: 'It is a consensus that the Government envisions, where it also listens to the preservation of the bullfighting festival; here there are no winners.'

In light of the imminent vote, Haces Lago expressed his commitment to carefully analyze the situation and seek the well-being of workers in the bullfighting sector. He emphasized the importance of being responsible with the proposals presented to avoid impacts on this sector. The deputy believes that there are still aspects to analyze and study before Tuesday, especially regarding the opinion that will emerge from the constitutional points commission.

Ahead of the session next Tuesday, Haces Lago anticipated the presentation of reservations to the animalist opinion that is intended to be approved. He emphasized the importance of debating with dignity and weighing the circumstances, regardless of whether the debate may extend for several hours. Haces Lago highlighted the need to safeguard the workers linked to bullfighting and the direct and indirect investment in this area.