Modifications in Mobility for Roma and Condesa | Ours Abroad News

The Roma and Condesa neighborhoods in Mexico City will implement traffic changes, including pedestrianization and new bike lanes, to improve mobility and quality of life.

Modifications in Mobility for Roma and Condesa | Ours Abroad News

The Roma and Condesa neighborhoods in Mexico City, recognized as two of the most popular, will undergo significant modifications to their main roads. These changes will include the pedestrianization of some streets and the creation of new bike lanes to improve connectivity and limit car involvement.

"We receive about 6 million people per day, and it is important to ensure public transport and dignified mobility for both residents and those who come to work or engage in other activities," expressed Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, mayor of Cuauhtémoc. "We know that alternative mobility is not a luxury, but a necessity. This way we will generate cultural changes to improve quality of life and address the climate emergency."

It has been announced that a pilot project will take place involving the pedestrianization of some main roads in the Roma and Condesa neighborhoods, although it has not been specified whether the closure to motorized traffic will be temporary or permanent. A total of 26 streets in these neighborhoods will become spaces for walking or biking.

The new modifications will be carried out with a gender perspective, universal accessibility, road safety, and sustainability as main axes. Additionally, the construction of at least 12 new bike lanes is planned, which will connect key roads in Cuauhtémoc in Roma and Condesa, as well as in nearby neighborhoods.

Among the roads where new bike lanes will be established are Calzada Vallejo (bidirectional) between Insurgentes Norte and Eje Central, Avenida Mina between Insurgentes Norte and Paseo de la Reforma, San Fernando-Héroes between Hidalgo and Mina, and Javier Clavijero between Ventura G. Tena and Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, among others. These measures aim to promote safe and efficient public transport, prioritizing pedestrians and bicycles in Mexico City.