The Citizen Judicial Council approved the call to elect the person who will lead the Attorney General's Office of Mexico City. Institutions of higher education, bars and law schools, academic organizations, civil society, business groups, unions, as well as other legal entities and the general public who meet the requirements will be able to participate in the call. The goal is for the CJC to propose a shortlist to the head of government of CDMX.
During the session, the president of the CJC, Jorge Nader Kuri, explained that the candidates must be Mexicans at least 35 years old, have a law degree and professional license, possess five years of experience, and not have been convicted of a felony. It is also required to have trust evaluations and certifications, submit a declaration of assets, and not have held political office in the last year.
The proposed profile must correspond to an honorable person with legal knowledge and experience, administrative capability, institutional direction, and public policy design. Emphasis is placed on independence in their actions, a vision of respect and protection for human rights, attention to victims, and a gender perspective. Candidates must submit a motivation letter, resume, an essay with their justice procurement project, and tax declaration for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Registration of applicants will take place from October 24 to November 9, with the review of files in a public session on November 11 and the approval of the list of eligible candidates on November 12. The subsequent phase will include receiving opinions from the citizenry, public hearings with citizen counselors, interviews with candidates, trust exams, and the publication of the final shortlist on December 2 in a public session.