In the hills of the Cuauhtémoc municipality, the sale of alcohol in public spaces persists, prompting a joint response from local authorities and the Government of Mexico City. According to the authorities, this type of illegal commerce fosters insecurity and illicit activities in the area.
Recently, the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) dismantled a clandestine narcotics laboratory and inspected a establishment identified by neighbors as a point of sale for alcoholic beverages, where people gathered on motorcycles, some carrying firearms. Mayor Alessandra Rojo de la Vega led this operation and stated that it aims to address the demands of residents and improve security in the area.
In order to tackle this issue, an operation will be carried out in the "chelerías" located in the Tepito rough neighborhood and in the Peralvillo colony. Despite reforms to the Civic Culture Law of the capital's Congress, which includes economic sanctions and penalties of up to 12 years in prison, the illegal sale of alcohol persists in Tepito. The mayor expressed in a video posted on her social media: "We will put an end to illegal activities because this is to protect your integrity and expand your security network."
The Auxiliary Police of the Cuauhtémoc municipality, together with the Institute of Administrative Verification (Invea) and other authorities, will deploy 14 personnel on motor patrols to conduct rounds in the Guerrero, Peralvillo, Tlatelolco, and Morelos colonies. Subsequently, the operation will extend to the other 29 colonies that make up the municipality, aiming to reduce both serious and minor crimes in areas with higher criminal incidence.
In Mexico City, the presence of chelerías is prohibited, as they are primarily found in the neighborhoods of the 16 municipalities. This is because local deputies of the capital's Congress approved a ruling that penalizes the sale of alcoholic beverages in public spaces, motivated by insecurity and a series of violent crimes that have occurred in these locations. The mayor shared on her social media: "We are starting anti-chelería operations to eradicate these red spots and generators of violence that put our families at risk."