Motorcyclist Invades Metrobus Lanes in CDMX

A motorcyclist has been captured riding fearlessly in the exclusive lanes of the Metrobus in Mexico City. He has accumulated 47 unpaid fines.

Motorcyclist Invades Metrobus Lanes in CDMX

A cyclist captured on his mobile phone a motorcyclist who is not afraid of the authorities, as he has been seen riding in the exclusive lanes of the Metrobús on the main avenues of Mexico City. In a video shared on social media, the cyclist explains that he has seen the motorcyclist invading the Metrobús lanes on several occasions, which caught his attention since this type of infraction is punishable by fines.

The motorcyclist, identified by the license plate number 1083H5, has accumulated 47 violations for riding in the exclusive lanes of public transport, with fines ranging from 195,000 to 292,000 pesos. The Secretariat of Administration and Finance of CDMX details that this motorcyclist was sanctioned for infringing article 11, fraction X, paragraph 5, clause A of the traffic regulations, being captured on Avenida Insurgentes Sur, at the height of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

The fines have been recorded since November 2023 and have still not been paid by the motorcyclist. Given this situation, the question arises of how many infractions a person can accumulate to continue riding impunely in the exclusive lanes of the Metrobús.

The traffic regulations clearly establish the prohibitions regarding the circulation of vehicles in the exclusive lanes of public transport, including driving in the opposite direction, carrying out maneuvers for the boarding and alighting of people, unloading and loading goods, parking, making repairs to vehicles, as well as interfering with the exclusive lanes by making prohibited turns.

The fines for invading the exclusive lanes of the Metrobús in CDMX range from 4,149 to 6,224 pesos, according to the current regulations.