Recycling of Election Ballots Approved in Mexico City

The Mexico City Electoral Institute has approved the recycling of used and surplus ballots from recent elections. This environmentally friendly initiative is set to begin in December 2024, following proper destruction methods.

Recycling of Election Ballots Approved in Mexico City

The General Council of the Electoral Institute of Mexico City (IECM) approved the destruction of the electoral documentation from the 2023-2024 election process, which includes the used and leftover ballots from the Head of Government election, congressional deputy elections, mayoral elections, votes from individuals in preventive detention, early voting for incapacitated individuals, and documentation for Mexican voters residing abroad.

The destruction of the leftover electoral documentation will bring environmental benefits through recycling. The district offices must reserve the bags with null votes for subsequent use in the preparation of studies and reports on null voting in the 2023-2024 Ordinary Local Electoral Process, according to the determination of the DEOEyG.

The destruction process will be carried out by simple crushing method, aiming to obtain the greatest benefit from the destroyed product for recycling and/or the development of substantive activities of the Institute. The company responsible for the destruction must comply with environmental standards and ensure the recycling of the generated products.

The destruction of the electoral documentation is scheduled for the first half of December, and the Executive Secretariat will designate an electoral officer to prepare the corresponding record.