In the Congress of Mexico City, a strong controversy erupted among legislators from different political parties. A legislator accused the leader of the National Action Party of leading the "Real Estate Cartel" and promoting alleged corruption involving figures from his party and relatives. For his part, the coordinator of the PAN rejected the accusations and stated that they would not allow any disqualification against their leadership.
During a parliamentary session that lasted several hours, the treatment of various topics was postponed due to the discussions generated by the accusations. An initiative to investigate the former federal deputy for alleged cases of corruption related to illegal constructions in Benito Juárez was pushed by the vice-coordinator of the Morena party.
The Morena proposal to urge the local leadership of the PAN to investigate the allegations against the national president of the party generated tensions in Congress. This caused a break in the favorable climate that had been present in the legislative hall and could affect the dynamics of future sessions.
The heated discussion among legislators from different political forces contrasted with the cordiality that usually prevailed in the local Congress, leading some figures to fear possible obstacles in future sessions. It is speculated that the strained atmosphere may prolong during important debates such as the budget for the upcoming year or the appointment of the new local Attorney General, given the climate of tension and confrontation currently present in the legislative hall.