Governor Samuel García of Nuevo León expressed his satisfaction with the approval of the 2025 Budget, assuring that this will provide three years of governance and forward-thinking for the state. He highlighted that this measure will fulfill the promises made to the people, including the allocation of more resources for the citizens' health.
In his statement, García mentioned that the new budget will guarantee access to more than 6,000 medical services, as well as treatments, chemotherapies, transplants, surgical interventions, and early detections for thousands of people in the state. An increase in Universal Health Coverage is also expected, benefiting nearly 1.2 million residents of Nuevo León who lacked health services.
The governor emphasized that programs such as Heads of Family and Zero Hunger will benefit, with an expansion both in the number of people served and in the quality of services offered. Additionally, he called for the unity of all political actors in Nuevo León, stressing the importance of working together on common projects for the benefit of the population.
During the celebration of the three years of the Universal Coverage Program for Girls, Boys, and Adolescents with Cancer, García announced his plan to seek unity from all mayors, including Monterrey's Adrián de la Garza, during the next three years of his administration. The governor committed to being a leader who seeks unity and progress for the state, always placing the people at the center of his decisions and projects.
In addition to the approval of the Budget, García also mentioned the election of the new Attorney General of Justice for the State, emphasizing the importance of these events for the future of Nuevo León and reiterating his commitment to the unity and progress of the region.