The Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) has established an Interinstitutional Committee for Mental Health and Addiction Care to provide attention to its student population. This committee aims to strengthen collaboration between various agencies, including the Ministry of Health, the State Mental Health Center, the State Council Against Addictions, the Mexican Social Security Institute, and the Youth Integration Centers, in order to enhance the work already being done by the faculties of Psychology and Education, Nursing, Medicine, the High School, the University Health and Well-being Services Directorate, the Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Directorate, as well as the Civil Protection Coordination.
In this context, the rector of UAQ, Silvia Amaya, highlighted the relevance of this issue, considering it a fundamental factor in the integral development of individuals. She emphasized the urgency of establishing partnerships to ensure the necessary care and attention in this area.
"We understand that this mental health issue is a priority for the state and the country, and we are pleased to see the willingness of the different bodies committed to this axis, which is a cross-cutting and fundamental issue in comprehensive health that includes the prevention of actions and ensuring care and support for mental health issues," expressed the rector.
Also, the Secretary of Linking and University Services, María Antonieta Mendoza Ayala, pointed out that the creation of this Committee responds to what is established in the Institutional Development Plan 2024-2027 of UAQ, which prioritizes well-being and demands the development and implementation of prevention strategies, as well as conducting joint training in mental health and addictions.