At least 11 companies have shown interest in investing in electrical infrastructure in the state of Querétaro due to the deficit that the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) is expected to leave regarding the energy needs of the entity. The CFE plans to carry out a power transmission project from Las Delicias, in the municipality of San Luis de la Paz, to the city of Querétaro, with an estimated investment of 882 million pesos. Despite this, there are already companies willing to build infrastructure, although the alternative project will be defined once the CFE determines its own actions in Querétaro.
In the words of Reyes Caracheo, representative of one of the interested companies, "Up to this moment, we have eleven interested parties that are significant consumers, not small ones. We need permission and to comply with the corresponding procedure, with Cenace and CFE. We are waiting for the CFE to determine the works they are going to do for us to present the other project." The study being conducted is 70% complete and is expected to be presented in the coming months. The specific areas where this alternative project would be sought to be established would be at the Querétaro International Airport, El Marqués, and San Juan del Río.
In response to the announcement of the Strengthening and Expansion Plan of the National Electric System 2025-2030, Governor Mauricio Kuri expressed his concern that this plan would not be sufficient to cover the energy needs of the state. Unlike this federal plan, his government proposed an energy project that could meet needs for up to 10 years. The director of the State Energy Agency, Mauricio Reyes Caracheo, mentioned that the federal plan contemplated the construction of a combined cycle plant called "El Sauz II," which is expected to be inaugurated on June 11 with a generation of 246 megawatts.
Given the estimated transmission capacity shortage of 400 megawatts in the projects proposed by the CFE for Querétaro compared to the 900 megawatts required in the entity, the state energy agency is conducting a study to obtain precise figures on the energy needs of the state in order to seek private investment that can cover them.