Martha Herrera Receives ALMA Award 2024

Martha Herrera, head of the Equality and Inclusion Secretariat, and Raúl Cantú de la Garza, mayor of Salinas Victoria, honored with ALMA Award for their contributions to vulnerable communities in Nuevo León.

Martha Herrera Receives ALMA Award 2024

Martha Herrera, Secretary of Equality and Inclusion, was awarded the 2024 International Prize of the Alliance of World Leaders (ALMA) for her strategic alliances in favor of vulnerable individuals. Raúl Cantú de la Garza, mayor of Salinas Victoria, also received this recognition. The International ALMA Awards distinguish leaders who have contributed to the development of their communities and countries in different areas.

The social policy La Nueva Ruta, promoted by the Secretary of Equality and Inclusion, has benefited more than 1.6 million people in Nuevo León through over 2 million free and focused services. Thanks to strategic alliances with the State Government, private companies, academia, organized civil society, the citizenry, and international organizations, Nuevo León stands out at the national level.

The Secretary has established the largest collaboration network in the history of Nuevo León, with the support of more than 900 public and private institutions, as well as the participation of more than 9,000 change agents. The Alliance of World Leaders (ALMA), a non-profit organization, aims to empower local leaders to effectively address the challenges of their communities.

In the recent Glosa for the Third Government Report, Martha Herrera highlighted the advances of the social policy La Nueva Ruta in its five main axes: a Nuevo León without extreme poverty, inclusive and free of discrimination, focused on care, prevention, community development, and the addition of allies to maximize resources. According to Herrera, with La Nueva Ruta, a social protection system centered on the most vulnerable individuals has been established, providing them with services to facilitate their development and the exercise of their rights.

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