San Andrés Cholula Considers Installing Parking Meters

The Mayor of San Andrés Cholula is assessing the installation of parking meters near Ciudad Judicial due to incidents with aggressive parking attendants. The initiative aims to enhance safety for drivers and regulate the area.

San Andrés Cholula Considers Installing Parking Meters

The San Andrés Cholula City Council is evaluating the installation of parking meters near Ciudad Judicial due to the aggression of 'franeleros' towards drivers. The municipal president, Guadalupe Cuautle, informed about this measure during the ceremony for Flag Day at the Zócalo.

Cuautle acknowledged that the area of the Atlixcayotl Territorial Reserve presents complications, with reports of aggression towards people parking their vehicles and facing pressure from 'franeleros' to pay a fee. The project to install parking meters will be carried out in coordination with the Judicial Power, aimed at organizing the area and ensuring greater safety for motorists.

The municipal president also mentioned that a mobility analysis and a public consultation will be conducted, the results of which will be disclosed at the end of this year. She highlighted the importance of a phase of socialization and awareness, as this issue involves various sectors of the population.

In this regard, Cuautle emphasized the need to have specialists' opinions, as a mobility strategy of this type must be addressed comprehensively.