Recent reports have revealed alarming levels of contamination in the San Nicolás area, leading authorities to take safety measures and initiate a more thorough inspection. The company involved issued a statement on Friday afternoon, claiming to be working together with various governmental and municipal entities to address the concerns raised.
"In relation to recent allegations stemming from a study to which Zinc Nacional has not had access,... the company is working in coordination with the Secretariat of Environment of Nuevo León, the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare, and the Secretariat of Health of Nuevo León, and the Municipality of San Nicolás to review and provide information related to criteria regarding emissions, responsible handling of inputs in our industry and their waste, as well as health and safety conditions for employees and nearby communities."
In a clarification note, Zinc Nacional stated that it regularly reports information about emissions from its plant in San Nicolás and health controls of its employees as requested by relevant authorities. It was emphasized that the SOX emissions reported in the media are 47 times greater than the actual figures presented to the Emissions Inventory of the CAI.
Environmental specialist Ernesto Rodríguez Pereira warned about the dangers of zinc dust in the air, especially at elevated concentrations, which can cause symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest discomfort, as well as a condition known as metal fume fever.
After asserting its compliance with environmental control regulations, Zinc Nacional was temporarily closed on Saturday afternoon by the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), following a complaint based on a joint investigation conducted by Quinto Elemento Lab and the British newspaper The Guardian. According to consulted sources, high concentrations of zinc dust can cause irritation in the nose, throat, and lungs if inhaled, with symptoms including fever, chills, muscle pain, and fatigue.