San Pedro Hosts Mega Cleanup of Santa Catarina River

The Municipality of San Pedro organized a mega cleanup of the Santa Catarina River, focusing on removing waste and preventing dengue transmission. City officials collaborated with local volunteers and students to promote environmental awareness.

San Pedro Hosts Mega Cleanup of Santa Catarina River

The Municipality of San Pedro participated in a "mega cleaning" of the bed of the Santa Catarina River in support of civil society organizations. The activity aimed to remove trash, tires, and plastic waste. Luis Susarrey Flores, Secretary General, and Miguel Ávila Jaime, Secretary of Public Services, led the collaboration with members of both municipal departments, as well as with the Cíclica association, volunteer citizens, and students.

As part of the "mega cleaning" that took place near the San Pedro Auditorium, the municipality carried out a prior fumigation of the riverbed to prevent the proliferation of the mosquito that transmits dengue. Additionally, it was responsible for the collection of all the garbage that was gathered during the day. Susarrey Flores encouraged volunteers to continue participating in these types of activities, including small actions from their homes, as it is crucial to start the fight against pollution and climate change from each household.

Ávila Jaime emphasized that the Secretary of Public Services collaborates closely with citizens in cleaning various sectors of the municipality and the main roads seven days a week. The joint effort between civil society and municipal authorities reflects a common commitment to keep public spaces clean and cared for, benefiting all residents of San Pedro.