The Congress of the State of Guanajuato was the scene of an intense debate on the decriminalization of abortion. During the forum organized by the Parliamentary Group of Movimiento Ciudadano, different collectives and civil organizations expressed positions for and against initiatives aimed at reforming the state Health Law regarding legal abortion.
In the working table summoned by the Public Health Commission, Deputy Sandra Alicia Pedroza Orozco emphasized that her party's proposal seeks to guarantee the right to choose for women and pregnant individuals. This means that public health institutions should offer the abortion service free of charge up to the 12th week of gestation, as well as access to medical, psychological, and social counseling with objective and sufficient information.
Organizations such as Red de Acompañantas León, Sororas y Rebeldes SMA, and Colectiva Verde Aquelarre shared testimonies from women who have faced difficulties accessing safe abortion in Guanajuato. They highlighted that the criminalization of the procedure drives women to resort to clandestine alternatives, putting their lives and health at risk.
Deputy María Isabel Ortiz Mantilla underscored the need to guarantee comprehensive rights for women, not limiting the discussion only to abortion. At the end of the forum, Deputy Antonio Chaurand Sorzano acknowledged the existence of opposing positions with valid arguments, stating that the Congress's role will be to seek an agreement that guarantees the health and rights of all women in Guanajuato, defending the idea of ensuring the right to life from conception.
Legislator Martha Edith Moreno Valencia highlighted the importance of a broad debate on the issue, clarifying that it is not just a debate of "abortion yes" or "abortion no," but about regulating the conditions in which women face this reality. Furthermore, she mentioned that forcing someone to continue with an unwanted pregnancy has serious psychological and social consequences.
On the other hand, pro-life groups such as Los Inocentes de María A.C., Interreligious Council of the State of Guanajuato, and National Front for the Family argued against the legalization of abortion, claiming that it is not a real solution and can expose women to situations of violence or coercion.