Preparations for the Judicial Elections in Mexico

The president of the Political Training Institute of the Morena party, Rafael Barajas, leads efforts to increase citizen participation in the upcoming judicial elections that will be held on June 1.

Preparations for the Judicial Elections in Mexico

The president of the Political Training Institute of Morena, Rafael "El Fisgón" Barajas, is leading the preparations for the upcoming judicial elections to be held on June 1st. Both the ruling party and the opposition face an uncertain landscape ahead of these elections.

Rafael "El Fisgón" Barajas directs the internal strategy of the Morena party with two clear objectives. First, to train the members of Morena to defend and promote judicial reform in various public spaces. Second, to encourage citizen participation in the electoral process on June 1st, as voter turnout is crucial to determining the outcomes of the elections.

The public preparation process for the judicial elections will intensify in April, coinciding with the official start of the campaigns. These elections represent a pivotal moment in Mexico's history as they involve the renewal of the Judiciary, one of the main proposals of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's government.

In this context, internal training sessions led by "El Fisgón" are being conducted to ensure the appropriate development of the elections. Despite this, there are still questions regarding the possible campaigning actions of officials from the Executive and Legislative branches, considering the separation of powers.

The main challenge for the ruling party is to promote citizen participation, especially given the simultaneous celebration of political elections in states such as Veracruz and Durango. The party is working on a campaign aimed at encouraging voter presence at the polls on June 1st, with the goal of achieving high turnout and ensuring an effective democratic process.