The Chamber of Deputies approved a set of secondary laws that will transform Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) into State Public Enterprises. It only remains for President Claudia Sheinbaum to publish the changes in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF). The president expressed her desire for the secondary laws on energy matters to be published on March 18, the day of the oil expropriation.
With 270 votes in favor, 93 against, and zero abstentions, the Chamber of Deputies approved the issuance of eight laws, the reform of two existing laws, and the inclusion of two transitory articles. The laws cover various aspects such as the Law on the Public Enterprise of the State of the CFE, that of Pemex, the Law of the Electric Sector, the Law of the Hydrocarbons Sector, among others.
The secondary laws did not undergo modifications in either of the two chambers that make up the Congress of the Union, consolidating constitutional reforms in strategic areas and organizational simplification in order to guarantee energy sovereignty. The Ministry of Energy (SENER) highlighted that these reforms will strengthen a strong and sustainable energy sector, under the principle of national sovereignty and energy justice for the benefit of the Mexican people.
Within the framework of these secondary laws, the concept of energy justice is recognized with actions to reduce energy poverty and social and gender inequalities. In electrical matters, the prevalence of the CFE will be guaranteed, maintaining at least 54% of the energy injected into the grid, with the aim of ensuring supply while avoiding profit and controlling rates.
In the field of hydrocarbons, efforts will be made to strengthen PEMEX by granting it preference in the determination of exploration and extraction areas, as well as simplifying its fiscal regime and the payment of rights. A strategy for the traceability of fuels will be promoted, and the National Energy Commission will also be created to regulate and strengthen the energy sector in Mexico.