Recently, there has been a significant setback regarding the proposal of the current government, despite it containing relevant advances compared to what was presented in the previous administration. Currently, Mexico faces several challenges that legislators must consider when analyzing the proposed reforms in the energy sector.
One of the main challenges is to improve the efficiency of PetrĂ³leos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). Another important challenge involves eliminating imbalances and risks in public finances, as well as ensuring fiscal sustainability. Additionally, it is crucial to prevent decisions based on random occurrences from prevailing in decision-making.
It is essential that the private initiative plays a vital role in future policies, although for a long time it was believed that the discovery of oil fields would lead to prosperity. Before 2013, the need for energy reform to modernize the existing infrastructure and promote private sector participation was already evident.
A significant strategic error was to prioritize the allocation of resources to projects such as Dos Bocas. Other challenges include ensuring favorable conditions for national and international investment in the sector, eliminating opacity and corruption, and advancing environmental sustainability.
It is crucial that the proposed and approved reforms by the Senate can effectively face each of these challenges. Statism and the lack of controls to prevent inefficiency and corruption characterized the previous administration, driving away private investment and hindering progress.
Globally, the necessity to ensure sufficient energy production for future generations is vital. According to a UN study, the world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Therefore, it is imperative that renewable and clean energy sources be prioritized by then.
It is essential to maintain a balance between fossil and renewable energies, considering the trend of nation-states to incur fiscal deficits. In summary, a balanced approach to energy production and distribution is necessary, something that unfortunately has not been achieved so far.