Bullfighting is based on the bravery of the bulls. In Plaza México, three bulls from De la Mora starred in a bullfight on Sunday, highlighting the performance of the bullfighter Fermín Rivera, who demonstrated the necessary qualities to succeed in the bullfighting world. Rivera, a bullfighter with personality and skill, managed to cut an important and promising ear that will surely open doors for him in the future.
The bullfight generated mixed emotions in the Plaza, with moments of intensity and tedium. The lack of bravery in the livestock has been a recurring problem in Mexican bullrings, making it difficult to execute classic bullfighting. Despite this, bullfighters like Rivera demonstrate bravery and knowledge in the ring, seeking to stand out despite unfavorable circumstances.
On the other hand, the Mexican bullfighting community is sometimes criticized for not valuing what is nearby, such as the local talent of bullfighters like Rivera. However, a new bullfighting season begins on Friday with the hope of witnessing great performances and emotions in the bullrings of the country.
In addition to the bullfight on Sunday, other bullfighting events are highlighted in different plazas, such as in Guadalajara, Aguascalientes, and other cities where recognized bullfighters like Talavante continue to demonstrate their art and passion for bullfighting. It is expected that the bullfighting season will be a festival of emotions and good moments for lovers of bullfighting.