The Cuauhtémoc mayor's office has announced that in October 2025 it will host the second National Meeting of Sign Painters of Mexico, to honor the artistic tradition that has marked the history of signage in the country.
Martín Hernández, a sign painter from the Cuauhtémoc mayor's office, expressed his motivation at the possibility of returning to practice his craft and bring color to the area. Hernández mentioned that after the measure against street art promoted by Sandra Cuevas in May 2022, he suffered financial losses and the inability to perform his job, which affected many of his colleagues.
The return of signage to Cuauhtémoc will take place as part of a program that aims to restore color to the area. It is planned to paint murals in public spaces, install signs in metal stalls, and have an art exhibition by the neighbors of the area. The first businesses to be intervened will be the Beethoven markets and the San Juan Arcos de Belén.
Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, mayor of Cuauhtémoc, has facilitated the return of signage in the area thanks to an agreement with private investment and civil associations, which have provided the necessary money and supplies for the artistic project in markets and local businesses.
During an event with merchants, Alessandra Rojo de la Vega offered institutional apologies on behalf of Sandra Cuevas for having removed the signage and color from Cuauhtémoc. She highlighted that a public competition will be held to define the designs of the artistic interventions to be carried out in the mayor's office over the next three years.