Fire at Mercado Hidalgo in Guanajuato

The Mercado Hidalgo in Guanajuato suffered a fire that caused material damage. Authorities are evaluating the causes of the incident and affected merchants have received support.

Fire at Mercado Hidalgo in Guanajuato

On Monday morning, Mercado Hidalgo, a historic venue located in the center of Guanajuato capital, suffered a fire that caused material damage both to its façade and interior. The causes of this incident are still being evaluated, which apparently originated from a short circuit on the second floor.

The merchants quickly reacted to the fire using extinguishers to attempt to control it. Minutes later, around 8 in the morning, elements from the capital's Fire Department and Municipal Civil Protection arrived at the scene and managed to contain the blaze. Due to the visibility of the flames from the outside, the market was immediately evacuated.

The mayor of Guanajuato, Samantha Smith, toured the market once the fire was completely extinguished. In her statements, she promised that a thorough investigation would be carried out to determine the causes of the fire and provide support to the affected vendors, many of whom lost their goods and suffered damage to their furniture.

Mercado Hidalgo, with 114 years of history, is recognized as one of the most important and emblematic supply centers in the city. In addition to offering consumer products, it houses numerous merchants of local crafts. Its enormous façade makes it an architectural icon of the region.