Politics Local January 22, 2025

Process for the new head of Prodheg in Guanajuato

The Human Rights Commission of the Congress of Guanajuato is advancing in the election of the new head of Prodheg, with 14 candidates in the process.

Process for the new head of Prodheg in Guanajuato

The Human Rights and Attention to Vulnerable Groups Commission of the Congress of Guanajuato is advancing in the process of appointing the new head of the State Human Rights Attorney's Office of Guanajuato (Prodheg). Of the 21 candidates, fourteen continue in the process, while seven were discarded for not meeting the requirements established in the call.

A draw was held to determine the order of the interviews that will take place on January 23 and 24, 2025, starting at 10:00 a.m. Each candidate will have 10 minutes to present their initial dissertation, outlining their commitment, vision, and approach to ensuring human rights.

Among the participants in this stage are Isis Nevai Albarrán García, Margarita López Maciel, Diana Hernández Mejía, Sergio Gustavo Barquín Carmona, Karla Alejandra Escárcega Robledo, Ana Wendy Muñoz Gómez, Efraín Alcalá Chávez, Sergio Jaime Rochin del Rincón, Víctor Aguirre Armenta, Sandra Liliana Prieto de León, María Elisa Jaime Rangel, Georgina Vargas Vera, María de los Ángeles Márquez Carrión, Karla Gabriela Alcaraz Olvera, and Eliseo Hernández Campos.

On the other hand, those who did not meet the formal requirements and were excluded from the process are: José Alejandro Mares Rodríguez, Germán Estrada Laredo, Citlali de los Ángeles Zamudio Hernández, Edna Aguilar Domínguez, María Dolores López Loza, Liliana Aguilera Padilla, and Saúl Núñez Ramírez.

Deputy Ana María Esquivel Arrona emphasized the importance of an inclusive process involving civil society, highlighting transparency as a fundamental basis. Other legislators, such as Jesús Hernández and José Salvador Tovar Vargas, pointed out that this appointment is crucial to ensure a strong focus on the defense and promotion of human rights by the new head of the Prodheg.