Preventing Digital Violence in Schools of León

The Cyber Police visits schools in León to teach students about the importance of internet safety and how to prevent online bullying and fraud.

Preventing Digital Violence in Schools of León

Cyber Police agents alert about the increasing number of digital crimes that start on social media, where aggressors seek vulnerabilities to extort, harass, or impersonate identities. In light of this issue, they urge reporting any cases of digital violence to protect the integrity of users.

If you are a victim of online harassment or fraud, it is recommended to keep evidence such as screenshots, links, or conversations, and not to interact with the aggressor. Reports can be made anonymously by calling 089 or contacting the "Learning to Coexist" call center for students. Additionally, it is important to file a report with the Attorney General's Office of the State of Guanajuato for an investigation into the events.

The Cyber Police conducts training in schools in Guanajuato to raise awareness about digital risks and the importance of acting cautiously online. During a visit to Vicente Guerrero Primary School in León, the agents emphasized the importance of protecting oneself on the internet and taught students to identify risks on social media and avoid becoming victims of fraud, harassment, and information theft.

Digital security specialists advised minors on using secure passwords, setting up parental controls, and being cautious when accepting requests from strangers. During the session, the children shared doubts and experiences, while the agents stressed the importance of saving evidence and reporting suspicious situations to 089.

The goal of these visits is to promote a culture of prevention and self-care among minors, who increasingly have access to digital devices and are targets for criminals who use techniques like social engineering to obtain personal data and compromise accounts.