Archdiocese of León Prohibits Halloween Costumes

The Archdiocese of León requests parents not to dress their children for Halloween, promoting 'Holywin' instead. Activities are scheduled for November 3rd.

Archdiocese of León Prohibits Halloween Costumes

The Archdiocese of León issued a statement asking parents not to allow their children to dress up in themes related to monsters or negative situations during Halloween celebrations on October 31st. Instead, it proposes celebrating an event called "Holywin" on Sunday, November 3rd, where children can dress up as saints or with religious themes.

According to Marcos Cortés, spokesperson for the Archdiocese, participating in Halloween involves invoking monsters and negative situations, while he considers it appropriate and correct to dress children as saints of the Church. Cortés pointed out that "the devil uses deceptions to lead people to make meaningless invocations."

This position of the Archdiocese of León contradicts the recent prohibition of cosplaying during Mass, a measure taken after a marriage celebrated with a theme from the animated series "Knights of the Zodiac" a few weeks ago. The Archdiocese insists on maintaining this rule, in addition to discouraging participation in the tradition of trick-or-treating on Halloween.